
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Drama again….?

This time i was just glad i was on half day leave due for a Docs appointment….why u ask……….

7.30am, Opened the door to take the garbage out…GUESS WHAT?….4 cats, I repeat 4 CATS  hurdled together  underneath the table with the table cloth !!! As soon as i started opening the grill, 3 cats sped off leaving 1 Garfield look alike cat behind, i mean in size.

I shoooed it away but it just refused to move! Just to get to the point, I ain’t no cat lover, specially not in this scenario. So i went over to the tap, turn it on ,armed with jet water hose  and SHOOT!! well, that worked!!! All clear, got back in, took the table cloth, soaked it in Dynamo, locked the door and went up to shower.

After breakfast, door open, Guess what???   arrrrggghhhh…… ALL FOUR IS BACK…caught them running away from the pots this time…hmmm, seems like they;’re asking for trouble. This time, i just decided to wash off the driveway as well….……what a morning…sigh***

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