
Friday, February 6, 2015

USS Part 2

I made it to the Universal Studios in Singapore the 2nd time around in January 2015. And this time i wanted to catch up with the character i missed the last time i was here in 2012.

we stayed this time in Sentosa Islands Festive Hotel . This made our visit to USS a lot easier, in terms of walking.

It was certainly less crowded and was soo much easier to catch all the icons. Look at the pictures below, doesnt it look like its alll mineeee!!! hahahah.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Singapore Trick Eye Museum

The Museum opened in Singapore in June 2014. This Museum originates from Korea, there is one in Jeju and another in Busan. Tickets are priced at SGD $25. In Singapore, its located in Sentosa Island, nearby the entrance to the SEA Aquarium.I had a great time posing at all the 3D paintings. Take a good camera with you and enjoy the photos!

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