
Monday, April 19, 2010

I have always felt i have been blessed especially when it comes to the Friends i have in my life. I was touched by the kindness and love that was showered to me especially when i am going thru a difficult time. From the friend who stayed by my side in hospital, the other who bought me breakfast at 7am on the way to work, the ones who helped eat my lunch, the ones who visited me at home( which really cheered me!) although i live quite a distance, and the well wishes that i have received from friends near and far....i am certainly feeling sooooo blessed. Thank you for the bottom of my heart!!
Its the beginning of the 3rd week that i have been on home rest. Feeling a bit bored , longing to step outdoors soon. Kindda getting tired of TV shows, DVDs and  the joke, really. Planning to spend couple of days soon at a friends place...go for movie, do some photography and stuff. Too long staying good la!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

staying posiitive

i am trying my level best to keep my spirit high and look forward to complete recovery. I am aware at this stage , keeping endometrosis from recurring is priority. Been reading alot about "Endo" and facts and details that i 've come across has not been very encouraging. However, i have to opt for a lifesytle change, even if it means that i have to give up some dreams i've held onto for many years and coming close to achiving it now. I felt like i have been given a second chance and from hereon i will have to fight for my life more than anything....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Operation day....

I was awake lying still in cold icy room for a few hours. Couldnt really get any sleep at that point of time with lots of thoughts running thru my mind. Its my first time . Never have i been warded in hospital nor had any sort of surgery before. Around 6 am, the nurse asked me if i wanted to go to the bathroom. I recalled at that point that the Doctor has instructed the nurse not to get me off the bed for any reason, but nevertheless i followed the nurse. I only remember sitting on the toilet bowl and ........i fainted. I woke up few minutes later back on the bed, covered in sweats! Then i continued to rest until my mum appeared at 7.45am.
Aroound 8 am , i was changed into a green long coat, got a jab on my back and was wheeled into the operation theather. At this point of time, i  just wanted get over it and move on. I wasnt in fear any longer. AT the entrance of the OT, i was asked to verify my signatures on the consent letters, which i could barely see without my contacts, but i just nodded! Then i saw a big light above me which resembled a flying saucer:-)
Last thing i remember  after that, the Anesthetic Doctor and a very long needle.........................snoooze